Historians say they discovered new artifacts and documents regarding
the young Abraham Lincoln.
See what you think.
Lincoln's Strengths
Lincoln was a gifted politician and famous
for his speeches.
Go here for the
Abraham Lincoln Speech Collection.
Abraham Lincoln also had the reputation of being respectful and

Abraham Lincoln and
his Signature
Abraham Lincoln and
Although he was against slavery,
Lincoln stated in 1858, in his
speech at Charleston, Illinois,
"I will say then that I am not, nor
ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and
political equality of the white and black races."
Abraham Lincoln's
Abraham Lincoln's father was
Thomas Lincoln.
His mother was Nancy
Nancy died in 1818.
Actor Tom Hanks might or might not be related to
the 16th US President.
Abraham Lincoln's stepmother was
Sarah Bush
Johnston (widowed), who had two girls and a boy of her own.
Abraham's siblings were Sarah and
In 1842, Abraham Lincoln married
Mary Todd.

1818 - 1882
Their children were
Robert Todd, Edward Baker,
William Wallace, and
Thomas ("Tad").
Abraham Lincoln's
Early Years
Abe Lincoln grew up in Kentucky on the American frontier.
And, for all
you whiskey lovers, Abe grew up at the Knob Creek farm.
Great little whiskey. Very smooth. However...
While Abraham Lincoln did live at Knob Creek Farm in Kentucky from roughly 1811 to 1816 (ages 2 to 7),
this Knob Creek Farm is not the same as the Knob Creek Distillery that produces
bourbon today. Both are located in Kentucky, both were named after the local creek, but they are
separate places with different histories.
The actual Knob Creek Farm where Lincoln lived is now a historical site, part of
Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park
in Kentucky.
Abe Lincoln's family
was poor. They relocated first to Indiana and then to Illinois. He
received little formal education but eagerly taught himself. Abe
worked a wide variety of jobs, including rail splitting. Hence his
nickname The Rail-Splitter.
What in the World is a
A rail-splitter is a
laborer who splits logs to build split-rail fences.
Abraham Lincoln & the
Black Hawk War
Lincoln enlisted as volunteer for the
Black Hawk War, but his company did not see
Abraham Lincoln began to study law and decided to go into politics. He was
elected to a seat in the Illinois State Legislature and served four
successive terms.
Lincoln passed the Illinois bar and became a
sought-after attorney, representing banks, insurance companies, and
the Illinois Central Railroad.
On June 16, 1858, at the Republican State Convention held at
Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln was nominated to run against
Democrat Senator Stephen A. Douglas, who ran for re-election.
Lincoln's acceptance speech at the end of this convention is also
called the
A House Divided Speech.
On July 24, 1858, Lincoln wrote a letter to Douglas, inviting him to
a series of debates. It followed seven Lincoln-Douglas Debates,
which took
place on:
August 21, 1858
August 27, 1858
September 15, 1858
September 18, 1858
October 7, 1858
October 13, 1858 and
October 15, 1858.
Although defeated for senator by a vote
of 54 to 46 on January 5, 1859, Lincoln was nominated for president
on May 18, 1860.
One of the main reasons for Lincoln's
nomination was his
Cooper Union Address, which he had delivered in lower
Manhattan on February 27, 1860, and which was exceptionally well
received by the 1,500 persons in the audience.

Library of Congress
Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Portrait
Mathew Brady took this portrait of Abraham
Lincoln at his studio in New York City on the
same day that Lincoln gave his now-famous Cooper
Union address, February 27, 1860.
Brady retouched
the photograph, smoothing facial lines and
straightening his subject's "roving" left eye.
The effect was striking, and what Lincoln
jokingly referred to as his "shadow" later
appeared on hundreds of campaign buttons,
posters, and small printed business cards.
Abraham Lincoln & the Civil War
After Lincoln's election but before his inauguration, South Carolina
proclaimed its withdrawal from the Union. The
Civil War began. The
government was divided over questions of strategy and goals in the
war, but Lincoln successfully managed to smooth them over and won
Go here for
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, which he delivered on
March 4, 1861. Lincoln was escorted to the Capitol by heavily armed
cavalry and infantry because of the unfolding American Civil War.
Lincoln's Vice President was
Hannibal Hamlin.
In his
Second Inaugural Address,
which he delivered on March 1865, Lincoln proclaimed his motto,
malice toward none; with charity for all."
This indicated the course
he planned to take after the war.
Back to the year 1863.
Emancipation Proclamation - January 1, 1863
"All persons held as slaves" within
the states that had seceded from the Union "are, and henceforward
shall be free."
So President Lincoln decided and
issued his Emancipation Proclamation accordingly on January 1, 1863.
Read the
transcript of the Emancipation Proclamation.
November 19, 1863
One of the most famous modern speeches is Lincoln's Gettysburg
Address, in which he promoted
"government of the
people, by the people, for the people."
The brief speech was given on the occasion of the dedication of the
National Cemetery on the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg,
Read Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address.
Here you
can find all things Gettysburg Address.
here you can
get your own vintage top hat.
Abraham Lincoln's Assassination and Death
Five days after
General Lee's
surrender at Appomattox, Lincoln was watching the play Our American
Cousin at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.
He was seated with his wife
Mary, Major Henry Rathbone, and Clara Harris in Box 7.
Officer John Parker, who was assigned as
his bodyguard, became bored and went next door to a saloon to get a
drink, leaving Lincoln unprotected.
John Wilkes Booth, one of nine
conspirators, stepped into the box behind Lincoln and shot him in
the back of the head with a .44 caliber Derringer. He then stabbed
Rathbone, jumped onto the stage, and escaped.
Lincoln was carried across the street to
the Peterson House, where he died nine hours later.
Vice President
Johnson became the new president.
And thus Honest Abe became the first American
president to be assassinated.
What about the assassins?
Booth was shot and killed by soldiers on
April 26, while hiding in a barn near Bowling Green, Virginia.
His companions were hanged. See more
and a photo of their execution under
The Attempted Assassination of Andrew Johnson
Check out Assassinations
in History.
Today, the theater as well as the
House where Lincoln Died are a National
Historic Site, which
you are welcome to visit.

Click on image to enlarge
Abraham Lincoln's Successor
Lincoln's vice president of six weeks
became the next president. See more under
Andrew Johnson, 17th president
of the United States, from 1865-1869.
Abraham Lincoln's Brief Biography
1809 February 12 - Birth near Hodgenville, Kentucky
1832 Black Hawk War
1834 Elected to state legislature
1836 Lawyer
1846 April - Mexican war (until February 1848)
1847 Serves in Congress (until 1849)
1856 Joins the Republican Party
1861 President of the United States
1863 Emancipation Declaration
1863 Gettysburg Address
1864 Reelected president
1865 April 15 - Death at Washington, D.C.
Abraham Lincoln Trivia
This is Roger Norton's website dedicated to Abe Lincoln. Lots of
trivia. Roger is a former teacher of American history.
One of Lincoln's biggest fans was future
Theodore Roosevelt.
And here is an
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's Millinery
Abraham Lincoln was known for wearing a distinctive tall black silk stovepipe hat.
His most famous hat, which is now in the Smithsonian collection, measures 7-1/8" in size and is 7" tall.
The hat band features a black silk mourning ribbon, which Lincoln added after his son Willie's death in 1862.
Abraham Lincoln's Name
Since 1989 the aircraft carrier
USS Abraham Lincoln
is in use.
This is the official Navy web site of the USS Abraham Lincoln.**
** (archived content 2013)
It is the
second US Navy ship bearing Abe's name. The first one was the
submarine Abraham Lincoln. The sub retired in 1981 after twenty years of
Abraham Lincoln Places
to Visit
As already mentioned, you can visit the
Abraham Lincoln
Birthplace National Historic Site in Kentucky.
Then there is of course the
National Memorial in Washington DC.
Click on the image below to see some variety of shots of the Lincoln Memorial.**
** (archived 2023)
Abraham Lincoln Info
Check the
US Election
Map 1796 - 1968.
Governments of the United States Chart.
And maybe the
American Timeline.