Historic Documents - Alphabetically:

A-Z |
Name of the Document |
Date |
1 |
1763, Proclamation of |
October 7, 1763 |
A |
A Convention to Regulate the Commerce between the
Territories of The United States and of His Britannick Majesty |
July 3, 1815 |
Åbo, Treaty of
(Treaty of Abo) |
1743 |
Abolition of Slavery
Act |
August 28, 1833 |
Abolition of the Death
Penalty France |
October 9, 1981 |
Abolition of the Slave
Trade, Act for the |
March 25, 1807 |
Adams-Onis Treaty
Adams-Onis Treaty:
English Transcript
Adams-Onis Treaty:
Spanish Transcript |
February 22, 1819 |
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of |
May 2, 1668 |
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of |
October 18, 1748
Purchase of |
March 30, 1867 |
Albany Plan |
1754 |
Amendments 11-27: United States Constitution |
1794-1992 |
Amiens, Treaty of |
1802 |
Antalcidas, Peace of
(also called King's Peace) |
386 BC |
Apamea, Treaty of |
188 BC |
Aranjuez, Convention
of |
March 21, 1801 |
Arbroath, Declaration of
1320 |
Arras, Treaty of |
1435 |
Augsburg, League of |
1686 |
August Manifesto - English transcript |
1905 |
Austro-Prussian Alliance
against France |
February 7, 1792
Ayala, Plan of |
1911 |
B |
Baden, Treaty of |
September 7, 1714
Basel, Peace
of |
1795 |
Belem, Convention of |
June 9, 1994 |
Berlin, Treaty of |
July 13, 1878 |
Berlin Decree |
November 21, 1806 |
Bill of Rights (British) |
1689 |
Bill of Rights (United
Bill of Rights (United States) -
Transcript |
December 15, 1791
Birth Certificate Francisco Madero |
October 30, 1873
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of |
1918 |
Bretigny, Treaty of |
1360 |
Bucharest, Treaty of |
1886 |
C |
Calais, Treaty of |
1360 |
Campo Formio, Treaty of |
October 17, 1797 |
Caracalla, Edict of |
212 |
Cardis, Treaty of
(also spelled Treaty of Kardis) |
1661 |
Carlowitz, Peace of |
1699 |
Cateau-Cambrésis, Peace of |
1559 |
Chaumont, Treaty of |
March 9, 1814 |
Ciudad Juarez, Treaty of |
1911 |
Civil Rights Act |
1964 |
Claim of Right Act |
1689 |
Communist Manifesto, The |
1848 |
Compte rendu au roi
English Translation:
to the King |
January 1781 |
Concordat of 1801 |
July 15, 1801
Congress of Vienna, Final Act |
1815 |
Conservation of Public Lands, The |
1909 |
Constance, Peace of |
1183 |
Constantinople, Treaty of |
July 1832
Constantinople Agreement |
1915 |
Constitution of the United States
Constitution of the United States - Transcript |
1787 |
Creelman-Diaz Interview
Creelman-Diaz Interview - En Español
Creelman-Diaz Interview - PDF (11 MB) |
1908 |
D |
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence -
Transcript |
July 4, 1776
Declaration of Pillnitz 1791 |
August 27, 1791 |
Declaration of Rights,
Virginia |
June 12, 1776
Declaration of
the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Declaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen) |
August 26, 1789
Decree on the
abolition of slavery in French colonies and
Décret relatif à l'abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies et possessions françaises) |
April 27, 1848
Dolben Act |
1788 |
Domesday Book |
1086 |
E |
El Imparcial Newspaper |
June 20, 1911
El Pais Newspaper |
June 22, 1911
Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation: Transcript |
January 1, 1863
Embargo Act |
December 22, 1807
Enabling Act
(Ermächtigungsgesetz) |
March 23, 1933
Erskine Agreement |
April 19, 1809 |
Essex Decision |
May 1805 |
F |
Final Act of the Congress of Vienna |
June 9, 1815 |
Final Recess of the Reichsdeputation |
February 25, 1803 |
Florida Purchase
Treaty) |
February 22, 1819 |
Fontainebleau, Treaty of
Fontainebleau - Transcript, Treaty
of |
November 3, 1762 |
Fontainebleau, Treaty of |
October 27, 1807 |
Frederiksborg, Treaty of |
1720 |
Free Womb, Law of the |
September 28, 1871 |
Fugitive Slave Act |
September 18, 1850 |
G |
Gadsden Purchase |
1853 |
Geneva Conventions |
1864-1949 |
Ghent, Treaty of
Ghent, Treaty of: Original
Ghent, Treaty of: Transcript |
December 24, 1814 |
Grand Alliance |
1689 |
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of - Transcript
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of - Transcript - PDF
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of - Original Document: First Page
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of - Original Document: Last Page |
1848 |
Gulistan, Treaty of |
1813 |
H |
Habeas Corpus Act |
1679 |
Holy Alliance |
September 26, 1815 |
Catherine Howard's letter to
Thomas Culpepper |
November 1541
Hubertusburg, Treaty of |
February 15, 1763
Human Rights Act |
November 9, 1998
Human Rights, The
Universal Declaration of |
December 10, 1948
Human Rights -
Transcript, The Universal Declaration of |
December 10, 1948
I |
Independence, Declaration of |
1776 |
Indian Removal Act |
May 28, 1830 |
Indian Reorganization Act |
June 18, 1934 |
J |
January 1562, Edict of |
January 1562 |
Japanese War Declaration WWII
1941 |
Jay Treaty
Jay Treaty: Appendix
Jay Treaty: Transcript
November 19, 1794 |
Juarez, Treaty of Ciudad
1911 |
K |
Peace of Kallias
(Peace between Athens and Persia, negotiated
by Athenian ambassador Kallias. Disputed) |
449/8 BC |
Union |
1397 |
Kansas-Nebraska Act |
May 30, 1854 |
Kardis, Treaty of
(also spelled Treaty of Cardis) |
1661 |
Treaty of
(also spelled Treaty of Kyakhta) |
1727 |
(also called Peace of Antalcidas) |
386 BC |
Treaty of
(also spelled Treaty of Kiakhta) |
1727 |
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