Governments in History

Governments in History


What's a government?

A government is a system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. It is responsible for making and enforcing laws, managing public policies, and providing services to its citizens.

Governments can take various forms, including democracies, monarchies, authoritarian regimes, and republics.

Go here for Forms of Governments

Key Functions

Key functions of a government typically include:

Creating laws and regulations.

Implementing and enforcing laws and policies.

Interpreting laws and resolving disputes.

Public Services:
Providing essential services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

Maintaining order and protecting citizens from internal and external threats.


Governments can operate at various levels, including local, regional, national, and international.

Is this List Exhaustive?

How many governments in total has humankind experienced?

It's reasonable to estimate that there have been tens of thousands of distinct governments or political entities over the last 5,000 to 6,000 years, particularly when considering, as mentioned above, the local, regional, and national levels throughout different cultures and eras.

So... no. This list is not exhaustive. It's humble, at best.

The Governments in History archive is indexed

1) A-Z by name of the government


2) A-Z by territory






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Attila the Hun
More about the greatest of all Barbarian rulers:

Attila short biography
Map of Attila's empire
Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
Who were the Huns?

Greco-Persian Wars
Also called the Persian Wars, the Greco-Persian Wars were fought for almost half a century from 492 to 449 BC. Greece won against enormous odds. Here is more:

Battle of Marathon
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Plataea



Mexican Revolution

The Mexican Revolution

Check out the
Timelines of the Mexican Revolution

Mexico's transition from dictatorship to constitutional republic translated into ten messy years of skirmishing in Mexican history.

More from the Mexican Revolution:

Pancho Villa

Emiliano Zapata

Francisco I. Madero

Causes of the Mexican Revolution

Women in the Mexican Revolution

Summary of the Mexican Revolution

History Timelines  





















French Revolution - Its Causes, Its Victims, Its Effects