Famous Speeches in History
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Attila the Hun
More about the greatest of all Barbarian rulers:
Attila short biography
Map of Attila's empire
Battle of the Catalaunian
Who were the Huns?
Greco-Persian Wars
Also called the
Persian Wars, the Greco-Persian Wars were
fought for almost half a century from 492 to
449 BC. Greece won against enormous odds. Here
is more:
Battle of Marathon
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Plataea
History of West
From His Royal Majesty King
George III to
Mister Skipwith,
Head of State.
All that excites from the
Mississippi to the Apalachicola:
Intrigued? Here is more:
Governors of West
Florida 1763-1821
Siege of Pensacola 1781
Free Republic of West Florida
West Florida Revolt of 1810