War of 1812 Timeline: 1815

Go here for the War of 1812 in a Nutshell

If these timelines of the War of 1812 are too detailed, check the  War of 1812 - Key Events, which are a summary of the years 1812-1815.

For overlapping events related to the  Napoleonic Wars see the timelines of the Napoleonic Wars for the years 1812-1815:

Napoleonic Wars: Year 1812

Napoleonic Wars: Year 1813

Napoleonic Wars: Year 1814

Napoleonic Wars: Year 1815


January 2, 1815
Following Andrew Jackson's request for support, Adjutant General John Adair and 700 militia from Kentucky arrive at New Orleans. Only half of them are armed.


January 5, 1815
The Hartford Convention ends. It had begun on December 15, 1814.


January 7, 1815
Bayard leaves Ghent for Paris where he will arrive on January 11, 1815.


January 8, 1815
The Battle of New Orleans is fought because news of the peace treaty didn't travel fast enough. The US win this battle. More than 300 people are killed in this battle for a war that was already over.

January 11, 1815
Bayard arrives at Paris. He stays put for the moment because the U.S. and Britain have also agreed to negotiate a treaty of commerce.


January 13, 1815
A British force overwhelms 116 US regulars at Point Peter, Georgia, destroying the fort and barracks.


January 15, 1815
HMS Endymion, Tenedos, Pomone vs. USS President. The President has to surrender.


January 13, 1815
A British force overwhelms 116 US regulars at Point Peter, Georgia, destroying the fort and barracks.


February 8, 1815
News of the peace treaty at Ghent arrives in North America.


February 11, 1815
Second Battle of Fort Bowyer. After a light skirmish, U.S. Major William Lawrence and his 375 troops surrender to 5,000 British troops on land and surrounding British warships. The British capture the fort.

The First Battle of Fort Bowyer took place September 14 and 15, 1814.


February 15, 1815
The U.S. Congress ratifies the Treaty of Ghent.


February 17, 1815
At 11:00 P.M., ratifications of the Treaty of Ghent are exchanged and President Madison declares the war at an end.


The War of 1812 ends.


Octagon House in Washington D.C.: Room in which President Madison signed the Treaty of Ghent. Table is original.
Octagon House in Washington D.C.: Room in which President Madison signed the Treaty of Ghent. Table is original.
Library of Congress


Here you can see the entire Octagon House


Shortly afterward, the artist John Rubens Smith (who lived 1775-1849) took ink and watercolor and illustrated the end of this war as follows:

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress explains further:

In an allegory of the Treaty of Ghent, signed on Dec. 24, 1814, Britannia and America hold olive branches before an altar. Sailors, holding British and American flags, hold an uninscribed banner; through drapes and pillars a dove flies out of a triangle.


February 20, 1815
USS Constitution vs. HMS Cyane and Levant. Both British ships surrender to U.S. Capt. Charles Stewart.


March 4, 1815
Bayard is still at Paris, waiting for further development for negotiations of a treaty of commerce with Britain. Unfortunately for him, today he gets ill and won't recover.


March 23, 1815
USS Hornet vs. HMS Penguin. The Penguin surrenders.


April 15, 1815
Dartmoor Prison Massacre


May 10, 1815
Bayard leaves Paris for Plymouth via Havre.


May 14, 1815
Bayard arrives at Plymouth, ready to sail back to the States. But his ship won't set sail for another five weeks.


June 22, 1815
Napoleon abdicates for the second and final time. Check this event in the timeline of the Napoleonic Wars.


June 30, 1815
USS Peacock vs. Nautilus. U.S. "victory." This encounter takes place in the Sunda Strait off Anyer, Java, Indonesia.

The Peacock demands surrender, the Nautilus, a brig sailing for the East India Company, refuses and claims the war had ended. The Peacock thought this to be trickery and attacks. The Nautilus immediately surrenders.

Casualties on the Nautilus: 6 killed, several wounded. Lt. Charles Boyce, commander of the Nautilus, will lose his leg.


July 3, 1815
A treaty of commerce is concluded between the United States and Great Britain. Officially, it is A Convention to Regulate the Commerce between the Territories of The United States and of His Britannick Majesty.

For the U.S. signed John Quincy Adams, Albert Gallatin, and Henry Clay; for Britain Frederick John Robinson, Henry Goulburn, and William Adams.


July 4, 1815
Clay leaves London for Liverpool. Gallatin is just a little bit behind and will follow shortly.


July 23, 1815
Clay and Gallatin sail on the Lorenzo from Liverpool. They will arrive in New York on September 1, 1815.


July 31, 1815
A very ill Bayard arrives back in the States and disembarks at Wilmington in Delaware.


August 6, 1815
James Asheton Bayard, moderate Federalist from Delaware and one of the signatories to the Treaty of Ghent, dies nine days after his forty-eighth birthday.


September 1, 1815
Clay and Gallatin arrive at New York.





More History


The War of 1812

Timeline of the War of 1812: Year 1812

Timeline of the War of 1812: Year 1813

Timeline of the War of 1812: Year 1814

Timeline of the War of 1812: Year 1815

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