Mark Antony 82 (?) - 30 BC
Mark was a brave man, a general under
Julius Caesar.

48 BC - March 27- April 3 - Roman
Civil War: Antony's Arrival
He was a member of the
Second Triumvirate together with
Lepidus and
But heart got in the way of common sense
and Mark was spellbound by legendary
Queen Cleopatra.
When Octavian defeated him at the naval
Battle of Actium in 31 BC, Mark Antony followed Cleopatra to
Mark Antony and Cleopatra felt that
they had maneuvered themselves into a dead end situation. In 30 BC,
they decided to end it all and
killed themselves in Alexandria, Egypt.
After their death, Egypt became a Roman province, and Octavian was left undisputed master of Rome and all
its dependencies.
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