Montesquieu 1689-1755
Charles de
Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Detail from
portrait by unknown artist, 18th century
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Montesquieu was in full
Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu.
He was
French and a political philosopher. And the man had style.
Montesquieu became very famous for his
political work The Spirit of Laws.
Montesquieu's Family
Charles-Louis was
the eldest child of
Jacques de Secondat
and Marie-Françoise de Pesnel. Marie-Françoise brought
La Brède into the marriage (think castle and vineyards) which
is located close to Bordeaux. She died in 1696. Jacques died
in 1713.
1715, Charles-Louis married Jeanne de Lartigue. They
had two daughters and one son, Jean-Baptiste. Jeanne was a
smart woman.

Académie Française
Charles-Louis's family was
financially quite comfortable. But
the real breakthrough came for Charles-Louis when his uncle,
the Baron de Montesquieu, died. His inheritance meant wealth and a job in the Bordeaux parliament.
Montesquieu's Writings
Persian Letters (Lettres persanes)
1734 La Monarchie universelle
Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans
and their Decline (Considérations sur les causes de la
grandeur des Romains et de leur décadence)
The Spirit of Laws (L'Esprit des lois)
1757 [draft] Essay on Taste (Essai sur le goût)

Constitution Society
[+] Click to enlarge.
Montesquieu's Short Biography
1689 Birth at his
family's castle in La Brède
1700 - 1705 Collège de Juilly
1705 - 1708 University of Bordeaux
1709 Moves to Paris and practices law
1713 Back home because father died
1714 Works for the Bordeaux Parliament
1716 Uncle dies and Charles-Louis becomes Baron de Montesquieu
1722 Back to Paris
1728 Académie Française
1728 - 1731 travels Austria, Hungary, Italy, Germany,
Holland, England
1730 Royal Society in London
1731 Free Mason
1755 Death in Paris
And maybe, see also
Human Rights
More History