Francis of Assisi 1181-1226
Francis was born Francesco di Bernardone. He was poor and
proud of it. He could even communicate with animals. Francis had
what it took and made it all
the way. He became a Saint shortly before his death in 1226.
On April 16, 1210, Francis set up the Franciscan
Order. This order was for men only.
In 1212, he established the Order of
St Clare of Assisi. This order was for women only. Clare, by the
way, was a young woman who ran away from home to avoid a marriage
arrangement. Francis had a chat with the girl and a new order was
created. The Order of St Clare is also called the Second Order of
St Francis, or the Poor Clares.
Francis composed the Cantico di Frate
Sole, the Canticle of the Sun.
Around the year 1220, Francis gave his
Sermon to the Birds.
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