Plaque to Commemorate the Signing of
the Treaty of Luneville
Treaty of Lunéville 1801
Image Above
plaque at 61 Rue de
Lorraine, Lunéville.
It reads:
"Ici fut signé, le
9 février 1801, a la suite des victoires de
Marengo et de Hohenlinden le célèbre traité de
Lunéville qui reconnaissait à la France toute la
rive gauche du Rhin"
Source unknown |
In other words:
Here was
signed on February 9, 1801, following the
victories of Marengo and Hohenlinden, the
famous Treaty of Luneville, which recognized
for France all the left bank of the Rhine
Here is more on the
Battle of Marengo,
which was fought on June 14, 1800.
And here is more on the
Battle of Hohenlinden,
which was fought on December 3, 1800.
What's Luneville?
Lunéville is a town in north-eastern France, situated in the
département Meurthe-et-Moselle and the région

Map Location
Luneville, France
Google Map
Who Signed When and
The Treaty of Lunéville, was
signed by France and Austria on February 9, 1801.
Bonaparte signed for France and
Ludwig Cobenzl (Louis Cobentzl)
signed for Austria.
And it happened right here:

61 Rue de Lorraine,
Lunéville, France
Today occupied by
doctors and dentists, only the plaques left and right of the
entrance remind of the history that was written here
Source Unknown
What Was Signed?
The provisions of the
treaty of Campo Formio were
confirmed and extended. The gains of the Revolutionaries were
Austria and the
Teutonic Knights
lost their possessions left of the Rhine to France. Annexation of
the Belgian and Rhenish departments, union of Belgium, extension of
French territory to the border of the Rhine (Basel to the Batavian
Republic). In Italy, the advance of French influence was confirmed: Tuscany became
French, see also
Cisalpine Republic and Ligurian Republic
And the in the Rastatter Friedenskongress
Congress of Peace at Rastatt) long-debated compensation of the
German princes who had lost their estates was solved as far as the
French were concerned. It was now Austria's problem, who will try to
resolve it by means of the
Final Recess of the Reichsdeputation 1803.
Here is the
Transcript of the
Treaty of Luneville.
Here is the
English translation of the transcript of the
treaty of Luneville.
The Treaty of
Luneville and the War of the Second Coalition
With this treaty, Austria, France's
main enemy, folded.
France will have the other members of
the Second Coalition in the bag by means of the
Treaty of Amiens, signed on
March 27, 1802.
Here is more on the
War of the Second Coalition.
And here is the map of Europe after the
Treaty of Luneville

Central Europe
More History